
Looking for a snow removal company in the Ottawa Region? We’d be happy to provide our services!

Winters in Ottawa are not to be taken lightly. We all know the messy weather mother Nature loves to bombard us with time and time again. That’s why we encourage you to take action ahead of time to make sure you’re not having to dig yourself out of the snow which suddenly appeared.

At HomeNplus we take pride in providing our residential and commercial property customers with the quality, affordable and reliable snow removal services that all consumers deserve and can rely on

The team at HomeNplus is fully equipped to take on any challenges mother nature would like to throw our way!  Our trucks are fully equipped with plows and salters.

Are snow removal service:

      • Driveway snow removal
      • Parking lot snow removal
      • Push and pile snow removal
      • Snow blowing
      • Bobcat snow removal and sanding.
      • Sidewalk snow removal
      •  Skid steer snow removal
      • Dump truck snow hauling
      •  Ice management and

At HomeNplus innovative approach to snow maintenance eliminates the ambiguity associated with hiring the right snow removal contractor for your property.

Our service package options are designed to offer the most suitable service levels for your specific property needs, requirements, and budget.

All of our Service Packages are unlimited and include clearing of every snowfall over one inch. Every single snowfall over one inch (1″) is guaranteed cleared, no matter how much, how hard, or how often it snows throughout the entire Winter.

All of our Service Packages offer a flat rate price which will cover your property for the entire Winter. There are no hidden costs, no extra visit charges, and no worrying about past-due extra payments. Your guaranteed seasonal price will never exceed your budget regardless of how much snow we get.

All of our Service Packages include guaranteed service times which will determine when your property receives service. Regardless of your chosen Service Package, we always prefer to work overnight and always aim to have your property completed by morning. You can track our trucks live with our GPS-enabled fleet.

All of our Service Packages include multiple clearing visits during heavy or extended storms. For snowfalls which accumulate to four inches or more, our crews will go out once to clear during the storm, and will return as many times as necessary as long as the snow keeps falling.Your chosen Service Package will determine the frequency of return visits.


All of our Service Packages can include clearing of not only your parking lots and driveways, but also clearing of sidewalks, walkways, steps, entrances, and just about anything you need plowed or shoveled.

All of our  Service Packages include salt applications in the flat rate. Our Complete and Priority Package clients receive automatic salt applications after every clearing visit, as well as any time there is any freezing rain, slush, sleet, nuisance snow, etc. The Standard Package only includes automatic salt applications once after each time your property is cleared. We also offer pay-as-you-go salting options and custom application schedules – please contact us for further info.

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